Church of Christ (Holiness) USA

Houston, TX Visit 1st & 2nd COCHUSA!

The Blessings of the Lord be upon each of You!

On Sunday 26-Oct-2014, it was a full day of visitations and participation in services and hospital visits in Houston, TX. The first picture you see is a small house that for a number of years was where Second COCHUSA held their services. The second picture you see is their newly erected and completed sanctuary where they now worship. God IS GOOD!! (<:

The 3rd picture you see is a photo of Bro Tray Augustine. On Sunday morning 19-Oct-2014, Tray was in a terrible auto accident and by the grace of God and the prayers of the saints, the Lord spared his life. He’s now on a long road to recovery so continue to lift him up in prayer. God IS GOOD!

You’ll also see a photo of Eld Huey Augustine, Sr who was also hospitalized in a different hospital. He’s doing better now but I ask for your continued prayers for him also. God IS GOOD!

You’ll see photo’s from morning service at Second COCHUSA and the afternoon 16th pastor’s appreciation service of Eld Rodney Magee and Family at First COCHUSA. Both services were very high as we lifted Praises to our God and appreciated the servants of our Lord. I ask your prayers for both churches as they continue to strengthen the saints and to win souls for the Lord.

God Bless each of you and have a great week and do all you can to make a difference in the lives of others!

Ambassador Allen

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